Regarding Dawn Foxes

Begin at the beginning. If this is your first instruction to Dawn Foxes or their emissary Seven Lacroix, you've found the right entry.

Dawn Foxes, or 'Sunlit Ones' as they known to several races, are a highly advanced bipedal canid species, claiming over a dozen systems as their native territory, and can be found across nearly one hundred separate worlds, depending on the survey metric.

They are primarily recognized for their unquestioned dominance in planet-scale agriculture, and are sought after as prime experts in terraforming, bioengineering, and trade negotiators. If you sell products outside your local system, it's very likely at least one Dawn Fox can be found in your supply chain. Their sense of smell compares well among the most sensitive of high-order canids, and their innumerable political alliances further their advantage in the galactic economy.

You'll find them in nearly every trade union, logistics hub, and many firms dealing  in the Unified Systems Code Law – a compendium of standardized laws governing many aspects of civil law enforced on member systems. In short, don't bet against the Dawn Fox.


Dawn Fox society is organized upon family lineage, and nearly every Fox can trace their ancestors back hundreds of generations if not more. Many foxes are named according to birth order, though naming conventions differ widely among families.

Because family ties are often quite strong, usually with an elder Patriarch or Matriarch at the head, Fox kits (children) usually join the larger family organization or business. While not a perfect analog, they have been occasionally compared to the dynastic Human families of Earth. In the rare event a family name becomes at risk, other Foxes will often join the clan, either by choosing a mate or direct adoption of the family name. This maintains clan longevity and bolsters Fox society across the galaxy.

'Sunlit Ones'

Due to a unique physiology, Dawn Foxes can absorb light directly as a source of energy given the right conditions. While they cannot subsist like this indefinitely (and still require water), it gives them an incredible advantage in many situations.

This ability develops with the individual Fox as they mature, reaching full capacity at twenty-five when Foxes undergo their 'Year of the Tail.' Many can experience 'Incandescence' as the body matures, venting excess energy in flames or sometimes pure plasma. While not dangerous, it is often ... intimidating. Especially to other species.

And while rare, Foxes can incandesce in moments of intense emotion or stress. Or when they want to be as threatening as possible. It happens one final time as old Foxes step from life into the next realm. Dawn Foxes do not bury the dead.

Pyre Warden in Formal Dress, Illustration: @morteraphan

The Dawn Fox Pyre Warden serves in an order with religious duties similar to a priest, though their role is highly practical. Pyre Wardens assist in comforting the family, making preparations, and ensuring a chosen resting place does not present a real fire danger. While Dawn Foxes themselves are nearly flameproof, their homes, fields and forests usually are not.

When a Fox dies, they do not decay. They combust, usually within several hours, age depending. A warden's blade staff unfolds to clear foliage, fell small trees, cut through obstacles, etc. And while technology has greatly increased their ability to manage fires, the Great Fires church still provides garments & traditional tools. Many young foxes serve in this capacity before choosing a career, and are often seen visiting the elderly and local hospitals.

“In Robe and Blade, we shall guide all.  Across path and star we’ll travel.

And at the close, when last light fades, in smoking ash lay our remains.

Sing and sorrow, yet do not despair. We are now light, with joy to share.”
—Pyre Warden Memorial Rite, Traditional

Flame and light feature prominently in many of their festivals and sacred days, including Winter's Flame: ceremonial burning of a large pillar-like structure filled with mixed compounds somewhat like human fireworks, marking the midpoint of the winter season.

Family & Culture

All Dawn Foxes sing. As young Foxes approach their Year of the Tail, they will spend more and more time out in the community, singing and refining melodies of their own composition. Foxes who find another's song attractive will likely pursue them as a mate. Often one Fox's song will draw several, and groups will form over days or even weeks, layering melodies together as the composition is refined. This will usually result in the original singer choosing a mate from the gathered choir, and the resulting pair will sing the completed piece during a public ceremony.

Foxes who were not chosen continue on and will often choose from those who attended the original gathering. Not all Foxes participate in Springsong, and some may go years without pursuing a mate. Some never do.

Family is integral to Fox Society, and paired foxes will nearly always produce offspring. While single births do occur, Dawn Fox often have two, three or sometimes four kits at a time, and the bond between these siblings is integral to their early development–Foxes rarely coddle their young.

As young foxes grow they are mentored by parents and older siblings, learning as much from direct experience as they do during formal education. Each Dawn Fox House is known for specializing in a particular trade or industry, and Dawn Foxes take tremendous pride in sharing their knowledge with future generations.

Author's Note:
If Charles Dickens could do it, maybe we can do. This story will be published in rough serial format, updating once per week. Story art & characters will appear as budget permits, and the audience is encouraged to participate in polls and other events – this project is meant to be interactive!

No, not like those horrible "Goosebumps" books with the pages all out of order. "Choose Your Own Adventure,"  bleh – more like be tortured and flummoxed by a publishing gimmick. Yes I'm still salty!

All art, characters, races depicted are copyright 2021 by Lacroix Media Group.

But who are we kidding? Many readers will likely be members of the furry fandom. You know who you are. Want to create a Dawn Fox OC, or commission art? You are welcome to do so – please credit @Sevenlacroix or @DawnFoxUnion whenever you share or post.